Nobilis® ILT

The proven live vaccine against Infectious Laryngotracheitis in poultry.

Nobilis ILT is a live vaccine against Infectious Laryngotracheitis in poultry.

Active components per dose:
Live ILT strain Serva: 2.5 log10 EID50

A freeze-dried pellet.

Nobilis ILT is indicated for the preventive and emergency vaccination of chickens
against Infectious Laryngotracheitis.

Intraocular vaccination of susceptible birds at the age of 4 to 6 weeks and revaccination at 14-16 weeks of age is recommended. In emergency, the birds may be vaccinated earlier, but should then always be re-vaccinated one month before the onset of lay, by the intraocular route. In case of an outbreak, emergency vaccination in all unvaccinated chickens will stop transmission of the disease, limiting ILT related losses.

One dose per bird.

Method of administration
Dissolve the vaccine in physiological saline solution (usually 30 ml per 1000 doses) and administer by means of a standardised dropper. One drop should be applied from a height of a few centimetres into one eye.
Note: For intranasal / intraocular administration a special diluent, Diluent Oculo Nasal is available. Keep the dropper bottle inverted, in a vertical position, to ensure the correct droplet size and to avoid loss of vaccine.

Withholding period

Boxes of vials each containing 1000 doses.