Nobilis® AE + Pox

Nobilis® AE + Pox is a live vaccine against Avian Encephalomyelitis and Fowl Pox in chickens and turkeys.

Active components per dose:

  • Live AE virus strain Calnek: 2.5 log10 EID50
  • Live Fowl Pox virus strain Gibbs: 2.8 log10 EID50

A freeze-dried pellet.

For the active immunization of layer replacement pullets and breeder replacement pullets and turkeys against AE and Fowl Pox. Vaccinated birds are protected against egg drop due to AE during lay, and the progeny of vaccinated birds are protected against AE for the first few weeks of life, via maternally transmitted immunity.


  • Chickens should be vaccinated between 8 and 16 weeks of age.
  • Turkeys should be vaccinated between 18 and 26 weeks of age.

One dose per bird.

Method of administration
Wing web method.

One vial of vaccine (1000 doses) should be reconstituted with one vial (10ml) of diluent immediately before use. The applicator should be dipped into the vaccine and then stabbed into the web of the wing from beneath. Feathered areas of the web should be avoided. At about 7-10 days after vaccination, a few birds should be examined for vaccination “take”. A satisfactory “take” is indicated by swelling and scab formation at the vaccination site. Scabs generally fall off 2-3 weeks after vaccination.

Withholding period

Boxes of vials each containing 1000 doses vaccine with Unisol Diluent, connector and applicator.

Store between 2-8°C in the dark.

When used according to instructions: None.

Further information

  • Although disease may not be evident, coccidiosis, Mycoplasma infection, Marek’s disease and other disease conditions may cause complications or reduce the development of immunity. All susceptible chickens on the same premises should be vaccinated at the same time.
  • Do not use less than one dose per bird.
  • Do not vaccinate within 4 weeks of the onset of lay or during the laying period.
  • Do not vaccinate chickens younger than 8 weeks or turkeys younger than 18 weeks of age.
  • Wash and disinfect hands after vaccinating.
  • Dispose of empty or part-used vials in accordance with local regulations.

Vaccinate healthy birds only.