
Nobilis RT+IBmulti+ND+EDS is a combined inactivated vaccine for the active immunization of chickens against Avian Pneumovirus, Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207 (strain D274 and related strains)), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome. Composition Active components IBV strain M41 IBV strain D274 ART strain But1#8544 EDS’76 strain BC14 NDV strain Clone 30 Formulation Water-in-oil emulsion […]

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Nobilis IB + ND + EDS is an inactivated combined vaccine for the immunization of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76. Composition Active components Inactivated IB strain M41. Inactivated ND Clone 30. Inactivated EDS’76 virus strain BC14. Formulation Water-in-oil emulsion. Indications The vaccine is recommended for the booster […]

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NOBILIS® H9N2 P is an inactivated vaccine against Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H9N2 and Newcastle Disease. Composition Active component Inactivated Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H9N2, strain A/CK/UAE/415/99. Inactivated Newcastle Disease Virus (strain Clone 30) Adjuvant: Liquid light paraffin Immunostimulant Formulation Water-in-oil emulsion. Indications: NOBILIS® H9N2+ND P is meant to be used […]

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NOBILIS® H9N2 P is an inactivated vaccine against Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H9N2. Composition Active component Inactivated Avian Influenza virus type A, subtype H9N2, strain A/CK/UAE/415/99. Adjuvant: Liquid light paraffin Immunostimulant Formulation Water-in-oil emulsion. Indications: NOBILIS® H9N2 P is meant to be used for active immunization of healthy poultry as an aid in […]

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Combined inactivated vaccine against Reovirus infections, Infectious Bronchitis (Massachusetts type), Infectious Bursal Disease and Newcastle Disease. CompositionActive components: Inactivated IBV strain M41. Inactivated NDV virus Clone 30. Inactivated IBDV strain D78. Inactivated Reo virus strains 1733 and 2408. FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsThe vaccine is recommended for the booster vaccination of breeding stock for protection against the Massachusetts serotype of […]

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Nobilis® ND Broiler is an inactivated vaccine for the immunisation of day-old chicks against Newcastle Disease. Composition Active components:ND virus Clone 30. FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsThe vaccine is recommended for the vaccination of day-old chicks against Newcastle Disease in areas where ND is endemic. VaccinationNobilis ND Broiler is administered by injection at one day old, in combination with live ND […]

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Nobilis® ND + EDS is an inactivated combined vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76. CompositionActive components: Inactivated ND Clone 30 virus. Inactivated EDS ’76 virus strain BC14. FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsThe vaccine is recommended for the booster vaccination of layers and breedingstock for protection against Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop […]

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Inactivated vaccine against Mycoplasma gallisepticum CompositionActive components:Inactivated Mycoplasma gallisepticum cells. FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsVaccination against infections caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum in chickens. VaccinationChickens can be vaccinated from 3 weeks of age onwards. Do not vaccinate justbefore or during lay. Dosage0.5 ml per bird: Method of administrationSubcutaneously in the lower part of the neck. Withholding periodNone Presentation500 […]

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Nobilis IB multi + ND + EDS is an inactivated combined vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts and D207/ strain D274 and related strains), Newcastle Disease and Egg Drop Syndrome ’76. CompositionActive components: Inactivated IB strain M41. Inactivated IB strain D274. Inactivated ND Clone 30. Inactivated EDS’76 virus strain BC14. FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsThe […]

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Nobilis® IB + ND is an inactivated combined vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against infectious Bronchitis (serotype Massachusetts) and Newcastle Disease. CompositionActive components: Inactivated IB strain M41. Inactivated ND Clone 30 virus FormulationWater-in-oil emulsion. IndicationsThe vaccine is recommended for the booster vaccination of layers and breeding stock for protection against the Massachusetts serotype of Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease. […]

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